2nd Annual team two Curry Night!
Well, unless I hear other wise the team two curry night to mark the end of the season will be on the 8th October. The venue will hopefully be The Mala in Holcombe (subjet to availability) so it will be a 19:30 meet in the 'Shoulder' for a pint before crossing the road to The Mala for 20:00.
Everyone is welcome not just 2nd teamers! Just let us know by email, phone or by posting a comment on this site...... just let us know so I can book it!!
Poeple who have confirmed are:
Nick Fletcher, Graham Fletcher, Mike Ainscoe, Shalom, Mick Jones, Ste Moriarty, Andy Smith, Dan Roberts, Matt Ablett, Frankie Brockway, Stu Hunter, Rob Holt.
The Mala has been booked for 8pm saturday 8th October! Meet in the 'shoulder' @ 730pm.